Assessment Criteria for Techno Video and Assessment Instruction

Assess (score) the viewed Techno Video

Assessment Criteria

3 Fields; Creativity, Feasibility, Marketability

There are 3 fields for assessment.
Technology/Product/Intelectual Property’s
・Creativity・・・Originality and Novelty
・Feasibility・・・Possibility for commercialiazation of product
・Marketability・・・Market size of future product
※For Assessment Criteria, check the image on the left or go to individual Techno Video page.

Assessment Instruction

Score 0-3 points for each field

 When you Click purple button “Assessment Criteria and Scoring”, Assessment Criteria and Scoring Form page as shown on the upper left appears. To assess the video, score 3 fields; Creativity, Feasibility and Marketability by selecting the score and click “Assess the video”. When assessment is successfully done, completion message as shown on the left appears.